Monthly Archives: June 2020

3 posts


This year I have probably gone through the most dramatic personal changes than any before, and I don’t mean outside circumstances or anything of that sort. I mean me, just as a person. I’ve reexamined my life, my goals, and my desires, and there is one thing that I can say for sure that I want: simplicity. I have different definitions for things than I used to. Mostly I have learned to listen to myself and not ignore what I hear. I spent a very long time in my life trying to explain things to myself that I knew I couldn’t and it is really difficult to have a good relationship with yourself when you […]

little bits

I am going to do something I haven’t done before on this blog. I’m going to get a little personal. The world feels like it is imploding, and for me and Lulu Nlue it has definitely been a wild ride, more recently we have found ourselves starting from scratch. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing, just hard. We’ve had to do a lot of healing and I have had to take on many roles that I was unaccustomed to. We have good days and some tough days, but we are working through it all and I am constantly reminded of how lucky I am and how grateful I am to have a kid that is […]

summer plans

So this summer isn’t exactly going according to plan. Lulu Blue and I usually start talking about our summer plans right after new years, and we usually come up with a few things that we both want to do. This summer was actually going to be fairly laid back, but here are a few things I love about summer, and though we can’t do most of them there are a couple of things that we can do that will be fun anyway. Our summer will be pretty low-key, but it will be amazing anyway. If anyone has some other good ideas or plans, I’d love to hear them! – love, Maca