
4 posts


This. So much. There is nothing I love more than pairing my bell bottoms with a cool vintage t-shirt. and now that bell bottoms are back again, I seriously recommend you try it out. For me, bell bottoms always bring to mind summer evenings, cool cars, great movies, and awesome platforms. I didn’t grow up in the 70s, but I know a good thing when I see it. Here is some inspiration for you! so much love. -Maca

After Quarantine

It’s been 340 weeks since we’ve started quarantine. We’ve been doing our best, staying in except for essential outings like grocery shopping. I go for walks on the trail to get some fresh air and exercise. As someone who loves to have company, the hardest part is not having gatherings of any kind. Of course, this is all completely unimportant. The most important thing is to do our best to keep the most at-risk members of society as safe as possible. We are so lucky to have access to everything we might need or want, and really have nothing to complain about. But this can take a toll, and there are some things that I […]

In My Closet

I am trying something a little different here, inspired in part by a photo challenge I was sent, where you photograph something you own once a week. I decided to do an “In My Closet” feature, where I will show some of the things that I currently have in my closet, and some things I want to add in the near future. This week I am starting with shoes. My recently adopted philosophy on owning objects is that less is more. Somehow this doesn’t ever seem to extend to shoes. But I have a plan to deal with this. I don’t add a pair unless I get rid of a pair (donate or give away […]